"for He satisfies the hungry and fills the thirsty with good things."


Tea-drinkers Rejoice!

I am a tea-drinker. That is one of the things I got from my mom ( who boils all kinds of different leaves for tea :)). I stopped drinking tea for quite some time but recently got back to it, partly, because of this:

Coffee Konjac Black Tea by Simple Line

Simple Line has got a huge following in the year or so that it's opened near UST but I only got around to tasting it a week ago. I'd say this would be one of my commercial tea favorites (and I've got a feeling I'd be posting a lot about tea in the coming months!).
 Their tea has a strong flavor especially the green teas which tastes and smells much like the jasmine teas served at old Chinese restaurants-- very calming. Also the distinct clinking sound of the ice reminds me of rain sticks (bamboo instruments that sound like rain or a stream when moved). There are a wide selection of fruit and milk tea mixes, almost all in either green or black varieties. It sounds elaborate but the special thing about this line is well-stated in it's name: simple. 

People are talking about: Tapioca Green/Black Tea, Caramel Green/Black Tea, Yogurt Green Tea, Coffee Konjac Green/Black Tea
I Wanna Try: Yogurt Green Tea, Blueberry Green Tea
Best Deal: All (35-55 Php)
Best for: stress relief 

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